You Graben Some, You Lose Some

An annual study conducted by a research team of social psychologists from Widener, Florida Atlantic, and San Diego State universities found that more people are having gay sex, or at least admitting to it. 33,728 people participated in the survey between 1973 and 2014, revealing that the number of people who admitted to having at least one homosexual experience doubled during that time. Same-sex activities reported much higher for younger people; while 12 percent of Millennials said they'd had same-sex experiences, only 2.4 percent of women born before 1945 said they'd engaged in homosexual sex. Though this was due to the multitude of convoluted, maze-like underwear that women wore before 1945, proving it difficult to find a cunt underneath all of that.

Popular porn website PornHub decided to upload numerous sex scenes from Game of Thrones upon discovering that porn viewing levels were down 4 percent during the hour before Game of Thrones season 6 premiered a few weeks ago. An HBO spokesperson responded in an interview, "HBO is aware of the issue and is in the process of getting material taken down from PornHub." It was later discovered that the GOT clips were used because 19-year-old PornHub file uploader Leonard Jergins was tired of typing the words "slut," "teens," and "creampie."

Trey Pearson, frontman for oxymoronic Christian rock band "Everyday Sunday" came out this week, saying it's been a "lifelong struggle" for him to be straight. In his letter, Pearson said, "I never wanted to be gay. I was scared of what all these people I loved would think and what God would think..." Responded God, "I don't give a fuck. Have you seen Mesopotamia lately?"

Japanese artist Megumi Igarashi recently crowd sourced funding to use 3D printing to make a replica of her vagina into a kayak, enabling other 3D data users to do so with theirs, as well. On Tuesday, a Japanese court ruled Igarashi's vagina kayak "pop art," but prohibited other 3D data users from creating their own, under Japan's obscenity laws. The court also fined her 400,000 yen ($3,670) for providing data for users to make their own replicas. The court ruled that users are, however, free to use 3D printing to make tug boats in the shape of their taints

On Saturday night, over two dozen women reported sexual assault at a German outdoor music festival, called, "Schlossgrabenfest." It was later found that most of the 10 attackers were fraternity brothers from various American universities, who called the name of the festival, "false advertising."