This Month's Recap

Actress Meagan Good and Hollywood producer DeVon Franklin released a book this month about their vows of celibacy, and how they waited to have sex with each other until they were married. The book preaches a message about how abstaining from sex before marriage can strengthen a relationship, and how celibacy can be used as a tool to maintain a successful life. Their co-authored book is called "The Wait." Their second book is set to release in 5 years, titled, "The Divorce."

A writer for GayRVA, a gay-friendly site based out of Richmond, Virginia, discovered a Virginia Republican senator on Grindr. The senator was said to be 2 miles away, a dog lover, and ready for your cock. 

The University of Tennessee faces a federal lawsuit from six current and former female students. The lawsuit claims that the University helps create an atmosphere that promotes sexual assault by male student athletes, then turns a blind eye when assault cases are reported. When asked to comment, male athletes responded by grunting, spitting, and pointing at the female students they wanted to drag back to their caves. 

After using pepper spray on a man who was attempting to rape her, a 17-year-old Danish girl faces a 500 kroner ($72 US) fine for having and using pepper spray in self-defense. The attacker escaped the scene, and hasn't been charged, or found, and was said to be a transplant. Local police spokesperson Helle Lundberg said, "We do not know if he might be an asylum seeker. The girl has described him as English-speaking, that is all we know." One witness described the attacker as "bulky," and wearing a University of Tennessee jersey.