A Very Special Episode, Featuring a Personalized Letter to Our Future President

As seen in an earlier "This Week," Australia's parliament recently sent through a plebiscite that would have asked Australians if the Marriage Act should be amended to allow gay couples to marry. On Monday, Australia's parliament rejected the bill. This bill would have most likely led to legalizing it, as 70% of Australians support gay marriage. However, in a poll taken on Wednesday, 70% of married gay Americans support moving to Australia.

A few of Bill Cosby's sexual assault victims have been working in Colorado, California, and Nevada to push through legislature that will extend the statute of limitations on sexual assault and rape. Beth Ferrier, who's been fighting for this in Colorado and was drugged and assaulted by Cosby in the mid-eighties, stated, "If I am going to be attached to him for the rest of my life, then I would like something good to come of it." Incidentally, this was an exact line from Melania's wedding vows. 

We interrupt "This Week" for a personal letter to our president-elect. Our regularly scheduled programming will return next week.

Dear Mr. Trump,

So- here we are. You did it. You must be feeling pretty good in that suit you probably didn't pay for.

I'd just like to say, fuck you. Fuck you for polarizing us; fuck you for convincing millions of disenfranchised Americans that you're the underdog; fuck you for giving angry idiots a voice. You are truly overcome with mental illness. It's too bad we don't have more social programming in our "big government" for a tyrannical, pathologically lying sack of expired Play-Doh such as yourself.

I'd like to remind you that we are not afraid of you, or your regime. You're a crappy tuxedo filled with the memory of overcooked meat, and you are not going to ruin our lives.

My generation, the current largest generation in the U.S., grew up with freedom and diversity, and we're going to fucking keep it that way. We were brought into a world where we celebrated our differences, recycled, and were in charge of our own genitalia. As little girls, we were taught we could be anything we wanted when we grew up; even president.

Women are now graduating college at a higher rate than men, and beginning to take over roles that have traditionally been granted to men. And our president is still a person of color, and a person of integrity. Progress is happening; you and your constituency are the reaction to the action.

I'd also like to say thank you. Thank you for bringing large communities of people together. Thank you for reminding those of us who don't constantly live in fear, who celebrate humanity, that we have each other. Thank you for unifying and emboldening all of us who feel empathy and compassion, and for reminding me that the most bigoted voice in the room is not necessarily the loudest. 

Progress will happen; the future of voters vote for equality, humanity, and government-funded social programs. We just have to wait for you and your constituency to die off, and after you repeal the Affordable Health Care Act, that shouldn't take too long. Hitler was met with shock, then acceptance- but we won't accept you. More than half of America and most of the world doesn't accept you. And we never will, because you stand for everything we know to be wrong, in every sense of the word.

So thank you, and fuck you. I am the only one who can govern my body and my life. You are not my president.