The Boy Scouts and Jose Cuervo

Robert Gates, the president of the Boy Scouts of America, ended the ban on gay adult participants from his organization, which elicited heavy social media backlash from conservative leaders in the past week. Ex-director from the American Family Association Bryan Fischer tweeted last week, "A word to fathers: if you care about the sexual integrity of your sons, GET THEM OUT OF THE BOY SCOUTS NOW." Said the Boy Scouts, "Aren't most of us, like, nine?"  

A northern Ireland couple that own the local "Ashers Baking Company" were convicted on the grounds of discrimination after refusing to make a cake that would depict Bert and Ernie saying, "Support Gay Marriage." Bert responded in a follow-up interview, "I'm really more of a pie guy, anyway."

Pastor Matthew Makela resigned from his St. John's Lutheran church in Midland, Michigan this week due to being outed. Though the pastor is well-known for his anti-gay remarks in his sermons, the website Queerty posted screenshots of photos and texts he'd sent on the popular gay hook-up app Grindr. Makela posted a comment in his local paper's website last fall comparing homosexuality to alcoholism,  which explains why he sleeps next to Jose Cuervo AND Jose's CUERVOS every night. Blam-o!