"Finnished" With Regressive Politics

This week, the Finnish Parliament legalized same-sex marriage, making Finland the 12th country in Europe to allow gay marriage. Most opponents of this legislation argued that children have a right to a mother and a father, because every time a man and a woman get together and have a baby, everything goes perfectly and both parents stay together forever and la la la la la POOF the kid becomes Jesus!

 A Chick-Fil-A franchise out of Hollywood, California held a fundraiser last week for Campus Pride, one of the top non-profits that seeks to ensure LGBT safety on college campuses. Chick-Fil-A is most famously known for its CEO, Dan Cathy, who made anti-gay remarks in 2012, including that his company supports "traditional" understandings of the "Biblical family unit." As stated by Huff Post, Cathy has reportedly tried to "soften his stance" over the past year. "That's not the only thing that's soft," said America upon seeing Dan Cathy.

Buzzfeed published a video on November 21st showing an assortment of guys' reactions to sex toys, and their reports back after having used them. "Now I've had sex with a machine and I can't go back," said one test guy. "How do you think we feel?" said women everywhere watching that dumb video. 

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